Monday 26 December 2016

Friday 23 December 2016

What is Engineering?

Ways to go in Engineering...
1) Competitive coding. Test and improve your skills by spending time (daily) on competitive coding websites.
2) Explore and keep learning. Why only college? EdX, Coursera, Udacity, are always there for you...
3) Create. Learn as you implement your idea in the form of a website, app, etc.
4) Excel @ college. Of course we will always have toppers who focus just at the things at hand until they take in every detail.

Try them out. From personal experience i think it's best to stick to one and scatter some bits of your time for the rest, but a bit of this and a bit of that didn't turn out to be a good choice for me. I started with one, but soon found out it wasn't my thing. Moved to 2, but that faded too. Finally i'm on three and have a few good ideas building up and ready to be implemented. Yes, you learn a lot by building. I don't plan to go to 4 yet, i'm happy toggling between 2 and 3 for time-being :) and the best part is you never ever run out of either... The best idea is yet to be sparked and most interesting concept is yet to be understood...