Why do i love my JEE teachers of all the teachers i ever had? I wasn't the brightest mind in the class, didn't understand every word they said, even then, i have great respect for them as teachers. Why is that so? What differentiates them from the other teachers i had.
I think the probable reasons might be:
I think the probable reasons might be:
- They had already accomplished what i was aspiring for. I believed in them because i knew they had done it.
- They knew what they were talking about and had a deep understanding of their subject. Well some of them looked passionate towards their subjects, others didn't show much enthu, but in either case, they were good at what they did.
- Friendly, Cool and Chill.
- It might be because the syllabus was designed ingeniously or they just didn't mind going off topic - you take any problem(kind of) to them, they didn't say, 'It's out of syllabus'.
The sad part is i'm starting to believe what my mother always said about teachers - 'They landed up in the job because they weren't good enough for real jobs'. Even Sheldon thinks the same.
Even if a person finds his passion for teaching, to be a successful and inspiring teacher, he/she needs to be really good and it. He/She needs to understand the field as far as possible and also design and use techniques to convey the beauty of their art. Imagine you were taught maths by 3Blue1Brown while growing up. I bet you'd love Math more than your girlfriend. A teacher has the power to change the lives of their students and that could just cause a chain reaction that could change the world.