Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Bunking is healthy

i'm bunking quite a few lectures from some days. Good to see that highest attendance in class tag drain away:-) Plus it fells refreshing and non-sleepy(most of the time).
It's the submission and prelim era on @ PICT(or all SPPU colleges for that matter).

Sunday, 25 October 2015


If some one has noticed all my i's in the blog are in smaller case. Just to reason out that's because of a lesson in my 11th standard English text which said -
 A small little 'i' looks much cuter than an all important  me 'I'
 Just don't let that smile ever fade away:-)

Saturday, 24 October 2015


A friend - What do people get by sharing their code on git hub?

Well really what do they get? What is my eureka connect blog all about? Getting me famous?
Don't you get that feeling when you see your ideas in practical use which would not have been possible if you just keep them private?
Why do we have Liux? It's all about sharing. It's just what i think, i completely agree that maybe very few people share their own resources for free(though may be the number who want to do so are many) and they might have their reasons.
Ok my philosophies can take up all the blogging time but i have to leave it for some another day. After all we have to get frilooc project done good.
Youtube -

Friday, 23 October 2015

POP Music

Man i love Taylor Swift. I browsed so many days on the internet for a good android app that had her songs but unfortunately the top results didn't have any original Taylor songs. But today finally i got some thing! There's an app called POP Music on Google Play store that has many of her(if not all) her songs!
The first one i heard on the app was 'Back to December' followed by 'Blank December' and once again the former and this time taking a closer look at the lyrics(reading it actually:P). Here again my crazy brain started thinking(wonder if thinking is good or bad)...
Take a look at the people in love(Do i mean Ted 2 coz i just saw that yesterday). When i look at them i feel like(i'm not sure) i'm missing something about being human, but still i;m not fully sure if i do want the thing i'm missing or i'm better without it.
Mind at times plays some crazy games. You want to dance in a DJ party and you do it but fell uncomfortable(would you use the word ******* to describe such person?) Why does that happen? i'm lonely(and my sister has a great contribution in that) and i think i need some company but as soon as i start getting some company i prefer staying lonely again!
May be i was designed that way(who knows?) But yes there's one thing i'm pretty much more sure than any of the shit i wrote above - I love to extract my smile from others.
I may not directly have any connection with someone, but the feeling when i see people happy with  my little act of kindness or any contribution i make in any way is what makes my happy even if that is for a short term.

Thursday, 22 October 2015

First Post

This is the first blog i'm writing which is really a blog with daily (not strictly daily but) posts about the things that happen in my life and my views on... well almost all things. Things are getting a bit too complex lately in life or i'm making them so, but in any case i need to spit it out and a blog seems lake a prefect way to do so:-D
P.S - Where did the motivation of blogging came from? Well to be honest it's 'the social network' movie. Also my i already have two static blogs -