Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Procrastination is the thief of time! Really?

Let's consider a typical Indian Engineering student example. We have our submissions after every 6 months, and it should not be a panicy situation because all you need to do is submit all that you have done in the past 4 or 5 months. No big deal? But the truth is the majority of the population never completes an assignment on time and months of work load is scrambled in just a few days ( and ohh the feeling of pride if you survive the heat).

Okay, we all know if we did our work on time, we won't have to go through such pressure in the end, but another way to look at the situation is, in this process we manage time better than we ever would.

Apparently time is not uniform. Some times it appears to flow swiftly and some other time it is just stuck(remember those last boring lectures when your watch mysteriously seems to work slow!! Damn!).

Your work spans according to the amount of time available. So you keep the potential of completing an assignment in one hour if the submission is tomorrow, but if it's in the next week, the assignment is coupled with a movie and chit-chat and takes away your 4hrs.

Remember though you are quite unlikely to get the best results if you shrink weeks of work to days.
So, is procrastination good or bad? Well it's for you to decide. It's your life ;) 

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