Tuesday 21 February 2017

Background Artists

What's your favorite song? Singer? Actor? Sure most of them have a name for each of them. But if i ask who who's your favorite Pianist? Guitarist? Architect? Stage decorator? animator? Very few of us would have answers for them. There are professions that bring you fame others that might not bring you that scale of recognition.
But think about it.
A Filmfare ceremony without the stage and lighting.
A movie without Philo and Charles(Inventors of TV).
A singer without a musician.
(A patient might thank a doctor for his diagnosis, but the graph doc used to make the diagnosis tool was implemented by an engineer ;) )
You get the idea. Let them br the Apple Engineers or the Musicians behind the Million hit songs, they live in the shade - and that's the beauty of them.
So let's set aside a moment to appreciate the background artists, they do it because they want to, they don't seek fame but we all owe them big time.

A shout-out to every one who created git, GitHub, Trello, the big IDEs and all the small code snippets that help make giant projects.

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