It's not about the way things are, it's about the way you think they are...
Monday, 21 March 2016

Sunday, 20 March 2016

1) Most of the projects are from PICT BE students (the same they submit as their final year project). They also have a some other college submissions though.
2) Try to stay away from the college if you don't want to attend the inauguration ceremony - that means a speech from the pricipal, Comp HOD and the chief guest(s). If you stay you'll see teachers and guard forcing students to sit for it and they have the classic give your Icard weapon if you refuse(so unfair).
3) There's a possibility that you might think that the projects are only on the basketball ground(this year I think they had a selected projects that could turn up into startups there). Well go inside the college almost every room has at least 4 to 5 projects!
4) The fist year students might get many bouncers in case of the computer projects but it's a great motivation, you'll know what are the possibilities how judges evaluate the projects and the best of all that PICT students are cool!
5) Sure the project makers will tell you in detail about the project if you ask them, but tail the judges. Often they ask questions that make sense to you and well bottom line, the judges will make an impression on you.
6) It's easy to ignore this event. If you don't go to college for 3 days you would never know it happed! Do yourself a favour. Just browse the projects list and them scan though a couple of rooms you'll be amazed :)
#PICT #INC16 #Technology #projects
A few years ago
a few years ago there was a boy who wanted to change the world for the better. He wanted to explore it to the fullest to know everything and to use his knowledge then for the greater good. help people. Make the world a better place as they say it. Normal right? But then he joined the like minded people. The race began. He found reasons to keep going and to persuade himself that he has not deviated but guided towards his dream, that this race was just a stepping stone towards it. Years passes and he was just a man in the crowd. Well he didn't care for the praise any ways in the past right? So that shouldn't matter! when he thought about it he always said yeah it doesn't matter. But the environment was making him see things differently. At times it was about the winning strategy. cracking the job interviews, socialism and being cool and happy. The true happiness was fading away somewhere. The thirst to know things buried the kind child deep down... The child who knew love who saw people smile and would call it a day. Who'd like to hug a stranger who needs a hug. Who'd define happiness by the number of people he made smile. Who'd talk random talks to the stars and his sis and get all senti. That innocent little boy with the best heart! love that boy, bring him back, make him teach the present adult what's life and let there be light:)
"It's not binary. You can be knowing and loving at the same time"
Saturday, 12 March 2016
Friday, 4 March 2016
Really! Is that called beginner level?
I don't know if this is normal for a starter but this competitive coding thing looks sexy...
"Stick to it", said our seniors at the workshop. Lets see where it takes me :)
Wednesday, 2 March 2016
The Man Who Knew Infinity Official Trailer #1 (2016) - Dev Patel, Jeremy...
Tuesday, 1 March 2016
"Ten years from now, make sure you can say that you chose your life, you didn't settle for it."